Trapped in an abandoned insane asylum, five college students and the rogue scientists who abducted them must band together when a supernatural threat appears....
"Under the Bridge” is based on acclaimed author Rebecca Godfrey’s book about the 1997 true story of fourteen-year old Reena Virk (Vritika Gupta) who went to join friends at a party and never retu...
影片以日记的形式呈现。无所事事的年轻人米歇尔(马丁·拉萨尔 Martin LaSalle 饰)在赛马场目睹了一个小偷偷窃的全过程,他被小偷那自信优雅的手法所吸引遂即加入了偷窃的勾当。爱读书,坚持虚无主义哲学思想的米歇尔坚信偷窃是一种手指的芭蕾,一场完美的行窃就像一场精彩的行为艺术。米歇尔有一个久违的病重的母亲,在去探望的时候结识了一直照顾他母亲的邻居珍妮(玛莉卡·格林 Marika Green 饰...
Julián finds love and a reason for living in the last place imaginable: the Dominican Republic's Najayo Prison. His romance, with fellow prisoner Yanelly, must develop through sign language and wi...
Giorgio is a greedy adulterer who makes a deal with a serial killer (Michel Antoine) to dispose of his wealthy wife, Nora. Unfortunately, a thrill-seeking young couple steal the killer's car with ...